Talent Development

Leadership Development

The LDA Leadership Development Programme includes the Leadership, Planning and Execution Modules.

In addition to these Modules, we recommend ongoing coaching for participants to ensure that the various workplace applications of the learning are entrenched and that the organisation reaps the benefits of the programme.

Each Module can be selected as a stand-alone development module.

Performance Management

LDA adopts a unique approach to performance management training and utilises the ec@ps online performance management tool to give effect to improved performance. This is a simple one page execution plan through an on-line performance management system.

Our training includes the following elements:

  • The organisations Performance Management Policy
  • The advantages of performance management
  • The advantages plus the do’s and don’ts of performance management
  • The Planning and Follow up Phase
  • Conducting Performance Feedback
  • Structuring the Job Description with emphasis on success measures

Monthly monitoring and six monthly formal performance appraisal on the ec@ps online system.

ec@ps is delivered in a practical interactive session that produces a One Page Strategic Plan, together with supportive Individual Performance Plans. The web based execution system ensures the process is monitored and results are achieved. Any existing Strategic Plan or Balanced Scorecard can be incorporated into the ec@ps model with ease.

Personality Profiling and Communication

Understanding yourself and others and their needs and aspirations is critical in developing relationships both internally and externally.

Executives, Managers and Staff will understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and the manner to communicate and relate with key stakeholders.

Participants will receive an individual DISC® Profile report generated through online assessment. This online assessment and individual report can be finalised prior to training intervention.

Project Management and Training

Project management is the science (and art) of organizing the components of a project.

A project isn’t something that’s part of normal business operations. It’s typically created once, it’s temporary, and it’s specific. It has a beginning and an end. A project consumes resources (whether people, cash, materials, or time), and it has funding limits.

At LDA we understand this and have the expertise to ensure your project is successful and cost effective. Our Project Management Training Approach includes the basic components of Project Management Theory, the application of the theory by project managers in practice and the use of Project Software Solutions (for example Microsoft Project)

Conflict Management

Contained within the LDA Conflict Management Programme are a number of competency modules:

  • Understanding Personality (DISC®)
  • Situational Leadership / Development
  • Conflict Management

We examine practice models (The Dual Concern Model and The Interest Based Relational Model) and apply these models to identify resolution methods and constructively resolve conflict scenarios within the workplace. Participants will engage in role plays to understand methodology and gain confidence in resolving conflict.

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Utilising a structured step wise approach to decision making enables leaders and managers to improves their ability to make decisions effectively, communicate their decisions to achieve greater staff buy-in and effectively remove the inherent biases within our decision making styles.

Systems thinking (one of the modern problem solving techniques) is the art of seeing the world in terms of wholes, and the practice of focusing on the relationships among the parts of a system. By looking at reality through a systems thinking “lens,” you can work with a system—rather than against it—to create enduring solutions to stubborn problems in every arena of business and life.

Get Out Of Debt (GOOD) Plan

This half-day GOOD Plan Programme could be the best investment you ever make in your life or that of your team.

It is structured to equip you to effectively begin the process of developing and implementing a Plan for financial freedom. This essential component to living a life of significance is a need that many recognize but few have the knowledge or tools to prepare and execute.

Because it is important and necessary for every person to have a financial plan, you may catch yourself thinking, “I’ll do it when I have the time.” This thinking will keep you from ever having a GOOD Plan. There is no better time than right now. Today is all you have to change your future.

So don’t put off until tomorrow this important life-choice.

Goal Setting and Execution

Most people want more out of life than what they are currently experiencing.

They strive to work harder, spend more time away from their family, often finding themselves more and more out of balance, all in an attempt to get ahead and perhaps experience fulfillment or attain a measure of success.

 The question, “Isn’t there more to life than this” frequently pops into their mind. Their journey through life looks like a process of trial and error, a game of hit and miss, when all they really need is to STOP and invest in the development of a Master Action Plan or MAP for LIFE